A full-time real estate professional representing buyers, sellers, and builders with both resale and new construction negotiations.
Recognition: Although I consistently receive awards and accolades for professional achievements, the referrals of my clients and colleagues are most important and meaningful to me.
Residence: Kirkland, WA
Former Lives: High School English Teacher; Restaurant Owner; Business Manager
Born/Raised: East Coast
Book(s) on Nightstand: "Closing Time" by Joseph Heller
Favorite Movie(s): Up; A Christmas Carol (1951); It's a Wonderful Life, Monty Python…
Favorite Musical Artist(s): Bong Hits for Geezers; Frank Sinatra; Ella Fitzgerald; Sarah Vaughn; The Clash; Depeche Mode; Drop Kick Murphys
Wheels: Honda S2000
Person(s) You Would Most Like to Meet: Great Grandparents, Julia Child
If Your Life Were a Movie, What Would It Be Called?: "If I Ran the Circus" (Seuss)
Who Would Play You?: Katharine Hepburn or Jack Nicholson
First Job: Manager of Windsurfing Shop (other than Babysitting)
Superpower Wanted: Teleportation
Guilty Pleasures: Cheese, Wine, Chocolate (in no particular order of preference)
Early Bird or Night Owl?: I'm a better Early Bird
Won't Leave Home Without?: Wrist Watch, Cell Phone
Vacation Spots: Lake Ontario, NY; Key West, FL; Pacific Coast, Europe
Favorite Cartoon: “The Far Side” by Gary Larson, Savage Chicken
Best Stress Relief: Tennis
Crossword Puzzle or Sudoku?: Crossword Puzzle